Foodie on a mission is my personal vlog.
It highlights traditional homemade recipes and promotes local products, helping rural tourism, support sustainable development in Lebanon, and preserving our heritage by documenting Lebanese traditional recipes.
What I do:
- Producing, location and talent hunting, filming and editing.
- Writing food articles, web-stories and recipes for online platforms.
- Branding and design, making sure all platforms maintain the same identity.
Excerpt of
"When you get organic strawberries…Turn them into Jam!"

As you know, Lebanese like breaking the rules. It’s in their genes. But Lebanese moms, are the best at breaking them, especially when it comes to recipe measurements. Hence, I cannot give an exact recipe for this Jam. All I can say is:
- Pour the strawberries in a saucepan.
- Dunk in the sugar until they are coated, and a bit more.
- Let them sit in the fridge for a few hours (Overnight could also be an option)
- Squeeze half a lemon into the saucepan and turn on the heat.
- Let them simmer while stirring until thick.
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